第 17 课

Chinoiserie was originally ignited by the claims of Marco Polo, 马可波罗率先点燃了中国热
claims which were substantiated by the unexplainable beauty of the ceramics making their way west. 东来的陶瓷以它无可言喻的美 印证了马可波罗的赞词

Every European royal family had to have a 'porcelain room' in their palace. 欧洲每座皇宫 都必须有间瓷器室

In 1 635 the Dutch began sending drawings as well as models to China to be copied. 1635年起 荷兰人开始提供图案和造型供中国工匠复制
Soon, the European buyers were instructing the Chinese 不久 欧洲买主便开始指导中国人
how to make oriental styles! 如何制作东方风味的商品
For instances, the willow pattern, which is not a Chinese design at all, but a British one. 例如杨柳原非中国式的图案 而是英国式的设计

French emperors, Russian czars and English kings 法国皇帝 俄国沙皇和英国国王
all ordered fine porcelains, bearing their royal crests and special designs. 都曾下令在细瓷上加绘 皇家饰徽和特定图案

Of course, huge amounts of simpler and coarser blue and white wares were also being made for export. 当然较简单和粗糙的青花瓷 仍旧大量出口
By 1 638, over three million pieces of mass-produced Chinese porcelain called Kraak ware had been shipped to Europe by the Dutch alone. 到了1638年单是荷兰人进口至欧洲的 中国量产青花瓷便超过三百万件

It's a lovely small shape. 它的造型小巧可爱
Um, and a real break from tradition for the Chinese potter really... '' 和传统的中国陶瓷截然不同
A small crack soup bowl made for the Dutch market.'' 这是专为荷兰市场设计的 精致小汤碗
One of the interesting things about this and the reason it's my favorite piece, is that it's very small, and it has this flared rim.'' 我自己特别喜欢这个因为它很小巧 有着喇叭状的外沿
The Dutch drank their soup with a soup spoon. 荷兰人喝汤时用汤匙
And the spoon would be able to rest on this rim here.'' 这汤匙就可以靠在碗沿上
And kraak comes from possiblely the name of the caraak, 青花瓷的英文名称kraak 或许源自caraak
the Portuguese ships that took such wares to Europe caraak in the early 1 7th century. 是17世纪初 载运瓷器到欧洲的葡萄牙船只
It may also come from the Dutch word Kraaken, which means easily breakable.'' 也可能出自荷兰文的Kraaken 为易碎物之意

There were countless attempts by the Europeans to discover the secret 16,of porcelain manufacture in the 1 6th and 1 7th centuries ... but all failed. 17世纪 欧洲人作过无数尝试试图揭开烧制瓷器的秘密却都功败垂成