第 18 课

The first near-success of European porcelain manufacture was in Florence in 1 575 欧洲人首次几乎成功烧出瓷器 是在1575年的佛罗伦斯
under the patronage of Grand Duke Francesco de Medici. 由梅第奇大公出资赞助

However, as almost every example was deformed during firing, 然而烧制时样品几乎全数毁损
it is no surprise that production ended after his death. 想当然尔 梅第奇大公死后也就停产了
Meanwhile, in China, ceramic art reached a high standard of technical perfection during the Qing dynasty, 在此同时 中国陶瓷在清朝年间制作技术达到另一重高峰
when the influx of technology and art from the west began having a significant impact on the Chinese ceramic industry. 此时西方技术和艺术的传入 对中国陶瓷工业产生重大影响

The Emperor Kangxi, who reigned for sixty one years, 在位达61年的康熙皇帝
was fascinated by Western science and culture. 十分热衷西方科学和文化
And so he allowed Jesuit missionaries to join his court as advisors. 因此他允许耶稣会传教士 入宫担任咨议

These priests introduced new enamels and western painting styles to the imperial potters. 这群教士为大内陶匠引进新的珐琅料 和西方的绘画风格
Two of these Jesuits were ordered by the emperor to work in the imperial enamel workshops.康熙下令两位耶稣会士进驻御用珐琅工坊

But they could not stand the horrible conditions in the enameling factory. 但他们受不了 珐琅工厂恶劣的环境
And besides, they were in China to find converts, 何况他们来中国是要传教
not to decorate vases, 不是来画花瓶的
so they purposely painted badly - 所以他俩故意画得一塌糊涂
and were both fired by the emperor who complained: 双双被撤职之余皇上还怒斥
Enough of that business!''. “我受够了!”

But the importation of western enamels made possible a whole new range of colors for the imperial potters at Jingdezhen. 然而西方珐琅料的输入让景德官窑的用色 出现全新风貌
Such as famille rose, which had as its principal color a delicate opaque pink, 例如粉彩便是以 乳浊的粉红为主
derived from gold in the enamel. 衍生自珐琅彩的金色
The famille rose colors could be mixed for shading 粉彩可加水渲染 作成深浅层次
and allowed miniature precision in drawing. 且能做出工笔画的细致效果

The Emperor Qianlong, grandson of Kangxi, and a great connoisseur of the arts, 康熙的孙子,乾隆皇帝 是个顶尖的艺术监赏家
personally challenged himself to raise the art of porcelain 他挑战瓷器艺术
to heavenly perfection. 将其提升到巧夺天工的境界

Imperial Qianlong ware was supreme in workmanship, and extravagant in design, 乾隆瓷作工精巧 纹饰繁复华丽
and often copied famous earlier styles. 往往抄袭早期著名的图案