第 7 课

These elixirs were believed to be capable of transforming the body, 他们相信这种仙丹 能让人返老回童
and making it immortal when swallowed. 吞服后便可长生不老
What the Taoist alchemists had stumbled upon instead 然而炼丹术士 无意间制成的仙丹
was an elixir of mortality, 却是致命毒药
as numerous emperors were killed off by these evil milkshakes. 无数帝王因服食致命丹药 一命呜呼

Their research also led to the discovery of gunpowder - 火药 也是炼丹术士研究的副产品
which was of course immediately used in warfare. 人们当然迫不及待 将它用于征战
Some immortality potion! 真是厉害的铅丹
The Taoists melted lead with sand and clay during the preparation of these potions. 道士将铅,沙和黏土熔在一起 以便制作仙丹
Many scholars believe Chinese potters adapted the process for use in their green glazes. 许多学者认为中国陶匠 沿用这套制程制作青釉

Ah, here it is ... 这就是青瓷
By the 8th century the most popular kind of ceramic in China, and even as far away as the middle east, 第8世纪时
在中国和远及中东 最受欢迎的瓷器
was this pale green celadon.便是胎质灰白的青瓷

One of the favorite uses of celadon in China was as teacups 中国人尤其锺爱青瓷茶盏
and the green color was thought to accentuate the green color of the Chinese tea 认为它的碧绿色泽 更能衬托中国茶的翠绿
and supposedly it actually made it taste better. 茶水也因此愈发甘醇

Celadon plates were particularly prized by the sultans of Turkey, 土耳其素坛则独锺青釉盘
who thought they were magical, and would crack if poisoned food were served on them... 认为它有神力 装盛的食物如果有毒 盘子会自动破裂
... probably a pretty useful item at the sometimes dangerous Turkish court.''
这在危机四伏的 土耳其宫廷尤其实用

Nestled in the mountains of Shaanxi province in western China is the remote village of Cheng Lu. 中国西部的陕西省山区 座落着偏僻的小村庄,成禄

Far removed from the changes sweeping through modern China, 它全然未受 横扫中国的现代化影响
the villagers here were making Celadon for the Chinese court as early as the 1 0th century. 成禄早在第十世纪 便是官窑所在
Nine centuries later, that tradition lives on. 9百年后的此时 这项传承依旧生生不息

Each member of the community contributes a different element of the craft, perfected over many generations. 每个村民都是陶瓷艺术的一员 代代相传的技艺早已炉火纯青

Even though this potter's wheel now runs on electricity, 虽然已改用电动陶轮
ancient methods of throwing and shaping the pottery endure to this day. 拉坯和成型仍沿用古法