第 10 课

Ladies... better hurry. 小姐们 , 快点

My coat? - Woman: I have it. 我的外套在我这儿
Man: All third-class passengers due here for a health inspection. 所有三等舱的旅客等候体检。

Welcome aboard, ma"am. Welcome to Titanic. 欢迎登上铁达尼号
Rose: It was the ship of Dreams to everyone else. 对别人来说 , 她是艘梦幻之船
To me it was a slave ship 对我而言 , 她像是艘奴隶船
taking me back to America in chains. 要把我押回去美国
Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought-up girl should be. 表面看来
Inside, I was screaming. 内心里 , 我却在呐咸

Jack,you are pazzo. You bet everything we have. 杰克 , 我们只剩这些钱了
When you got nothing you got nothing to lose. 没钱就没烦恼
白痴 , 连船票也拿来赌

All right, moment of truth. 好 , 关键时刻
Somebody"s life"s about to change. Fabrizio? 有人一生即将改变 法布里吉欧 ?
Niente. -Niente. 没有
Olaf?. - Nothing. 欧拉夫 ? 没有
Sven? 史文 ?

Uh-oh. Two pair. 两个对子
I"m sorry, Fabrizio. 抱歉 , 法布里吉欧
Che""sorry?"" Ma vaffanculo! You bet all the money. 抱歉 ? 钱都输光了 !
I"m sorry,you"re not going to see your mom again for a long time 抱歉 , 得跟你妈说再见了
because we"re going to America. 因为我们要去美国了
Full house, boys. - Whoa! 胡芦 !
Yeah! -Dio mio, grazie!

Come on. - Figlio di puttana! 快走 !
I"m going home!我要回家了