第 17 课

Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow evening 就请你明晚跟我们一起用餐吧
to regale our group with...your heroic tale. 还可以向我们叙述 你英勇救人的故事

Sure, count me in. 好啊 , 没问题题
Good. Settled then. 好 , 就这么说定了
This should be interesting. Mmm. 有好戏看了

Can I, uh... bum a smoke? 来根烟好吗 ?

You"ll want to tie those. 你鞋带松了
It"s interesting. The young lady slips so suddenly and you still had time to remove your jacket and your shoes. 怎么小姐突然间滑倒 . 你却有时间脱大衣跟鞋子 ?

I know you"ve been melancholy. 我知道你心情不好
I don"t pretend to know why. 我也不会假装知道原因
I intended to save this until the engagement gala next week. 原本想等到 . . 下星期的订婚宴会才拿出来
But I thought tonight. 但我觉得 . . 今天晚上 . .

Good gracious. Perhaps as a reminder of my feelings for you. 我的天啊 ! 让你知道我对你的真心
Is it a... - Diamond? Yes. 这是 . . . ?
对 , 是钻石
56 carats to be exact. 五十六克拉

It was worn by Louis XVI 原属于路易十六世
and they called it "Le Coeur De La Mer. " 他们称它为 “海洋之星”
Both: The Heart of the Ocean. “海洋之星”

It"s overwhelming. 好贵重
Well, it"s for royalty. 这是为皇室做的
We areroyalty, Rose. 我们就是皇室