泰坦尼克号第 20 课 Jack, this is exquisite work. 这可是很细致的作品
They didn"t think too much of them in old Paree. 巴黎的人不怎么喜欢
Paris! You do get around for a poor-- 巴黎 ? 你去过的地方可真不少
Well, uh, uh, a person of limited means. 虽然你 . . . 你钱财有限
Go on, a poor guy, you can say it. 就说我很穷 , 没关系的
And these were drawn from life? 这是真人写生吗 ?
Well, that"s one of the good things about Paris-- 这是巴黎的好处之一
lots of girls willing to take their clothes off. 女孩子们不怎么在乎没穿衣服
You liked this woman. 你一定很喜欢这女人
You used her several times. 好几幅都是在画她
Well, she had beautiful hands, you see? 她的手很美 , 你看
I think you must have had a love affair with her. 我想你爱她
No, no, no, no, no. Just with her hands. 不 . . 只是爱她的手
She was a one-legged prostitute. 她是个妓女 , 只有一条腿
See? 你看
Ah, she had a good sense of humor, though. 她很有幽默感
Oh, and this lady... 这位小姐
she used to sit at this bar every night 每晚总是坐在酒吧里
wearing every piece of jewelry she owned 身上穿带着她所有的首饰
just waiting for her long-lost love. 等她的爱人回来
Called her Madame Bijou. 我们都叫她 “珠宝夫人”
See how her clothes are all moth-eaten? 她的衣服都破了
Well,you have a gift,Jack. 你很有天份 , 杰克
You do. You see people. 你真的有 你会观察人
I see you. 我会观察你
And? 我怎么样 ?
You wouldn"t have jumped. 你不会寻短的
But the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband. 上大学的目的是为了钓金龟婿
Rose has already done that. 这点 , 萝丝已经做到了
Look, here comes that vulgar Brown woman. 那个粗俗的女人来了
Quickly, get up before she sits with us. 快 , 我不想跟她坐在一起