第 23 课

Uh, son? Son! 孩子
Do you have the slightest comprehension what you"re doing? 孩子 ! 你知道等会儿要干嘛吗 ?
Not really. 不是很清楚
Well,you"re about to go into the snake pit. 你这是羊入虎口

What are you planning to wear? 你要穿什么 ?
I figured. Come on. 我就知道 , 来吧

I was right. 果然没错
You and my son are just about the same size. 你跟我儿子身材差不多
Pretty close. 相当接近

( whistles ) - You shine up like a new penny. 看你人模人样的

Good evening, sir. 先生晚安

Cal: Do you know that there are several thousand tons of Hockley steel in this very ship? 这船用了很多我们家的钢铁
Ruth: Hmm. Which part? - Cal: All the right ones, of course. 用在什么地方 ? 都是好地方
Then we"ll know who to hold accountable if there"s a problem. 如果有问题题你得负责
Where"s my daughter? - Oh, she"ll be along. 萝丝呢 ? 快来了
There is the countess. - Hello, my dear. 女伯爵在那里
Good evening, Cal. - Cal: So good to see you. 晚安

I saw that in a nickelodeon once and I always wanted to do it. 我在电影上看过

Ruth: I"ll see you at dinner.
Darling? Surely you remember Mr. Dawson. 亲爱的 你一定还记得道森先生吧 ?
Dawson? ( Chuckles ) 道森 ?
Well, it"s amazing. You could almost pass for a gentleman. 不可思议 你几乎像个绅士
Almost. - Extraordinary. 几乎 真有意思