第 26 课

Mr. Brown had no idea I"d hidden the money in the stove. 我老公不知道钱藏在炉子里
So he comes home drunk as a pig, celebrating and he lights a fire. 醉醺醺回到家 , 在炉子生火
( softly ): Next it"ll be brandies in the smoking room. 接下来是饭后酒
Archie: Well,join me in a brandy, gentlemen? 喝杯白兰地吧 ?
( Men Agree ) 好主意
Now they retreat into a cloud of smoke and congratulate each other on being masters of the universe. 他们会在隔壁房间互相标榜

Ladies, thank you for the pleasure of your company. 女士们 , 谢谢你们陪伴
Rose, may I escort you back to the cabin? 我送你回房吧 ?
No, I"ll stay here. - Here you go, Molly. 我想再坐一下
Archie: Joining us, Dawson? 一起来吧 , 道森先生 ?
You don"t want to stay out here with the women, do you? 留在这儿没意思
No, thanks. I"ve got to be heading back. 谢谢 , 我得回去了
Ah. - Probably best. 也好 ,
It"ll be all business and politics, that sort of thing-- 我们谈的 都是生意和政治
Wouldn"t interest you. 你不会有兴趣的

But Dawson, good of you to come. 道森 , 谢谢你来

Jack, must you go? 你一定要走吗 ?
Time for me to go row with the other slaves. 我们奴隶要去划船了
Good night, Rose. 晚安 , 萝丝

So you want to go to a real party? 想不想参加一个真正的派对 ?

...jurisdiction of the Sherman Act so my lawyers will argue. 反托辣斯法也管不着 That"s what Rockefeller said, but the Supreme Court is not swallowing it. 洛克裴勒也这么说最高法院不买帐

Coffee, sir? 先生要咖啡吗 ?

I had hoped you would come to me last night. 你昨晚没来找我
I was tired. 我好累