第 26 课

Your exertions below decks were no doubt exhausting. 到下舱去当然很累人
I see you had that undertaker of a manservant follow me. How typical. 原来你叫那奴才跟踪我
You will never behave like that again, Rose. Do you understand? 以后不可以这样

I"m not a foreman in one of your mills that you can command. 我不是你工厂里 那些任你使唤的工头
I"m your fiancee. 我是你的未婚妻
My fiancee? My fiancee?!! 我的未婚妻 !
Yes,you are, and my wife! 没错 , 而且是我太太
My wife in practice if not yet by law, so you will honor me. 我们已有夫妻之实
You will honor me the way a wife is required to honor a husband. 像妻子忠于丈夫那样
Because I will not be made out a fool, Rose. 别人休想耍我
Is this in any way unclear? 这样会不会不够清楚 ?
No. - Good. 不会
Excuse me. 好 , 失陪

Miss Rose! 萝丝小姐 . .
We had a little... accident. - That"s all right, Miss Rose. 刚出了点意外
That"s all right. - I"m sorry, Trudy. 没关系 抱歉 , 茱蒂
Let me help you. It"s all right, miss. 我来帮你 没关系 , 小姐

You"re not to see that boy again, do you understand me? 别再跟他见面 , 明白吗 ?
Rose, I forbid it. - Oh, stop it, Mother. 萝丝 , 不准再见他
You"ll give yourself a nosebleed. 好了 , 你别气坏了
This is not a game. 别再胡闹了
Our situation is precarious. You know the money"s gone. 我们处境为难 你知道我们没有钱
Of course I know it"s gone. You remind me every day. 怎么会不知道 你每天都提醒我

Your father left us nothing but a legacy of bad debts hidden by a good name. 你父亲留下一屁股债幸好名声还在
That name is the only card we have to play. 我们也只能靠这个了
I don"t understand you. It is a fine match with Hockley. 我真不了解你 你嫁给霍家,
It will ensure our survival. - How can you put this on my shoulders? 我们才能生存 这责任太大了
Why are you being so selfish? - I"m being selfish? 你怎么这么自私 ? 是 “我” 自私吗 ?

Do you want to see me working as a seamstress? 你想看到我去当女工吗 ?
Is that what you want? 你希望那样吗 ?
To see our fine things sold at auction? 想看着我们变卖家当吗 ?
Our memories scattered to the winds? 家里一无所有吗 ?

( sighs ) It"s so unfair. 好不公平
Of course it"s unfair. 当然不公平
We"re women. 我们是妇道人家
Our choices are never easy. 不能爱怎样就怎样