第 30 课

Hello,Jack. 哈啰 , 杰克

I changed my mind. 我改变主意了

They said you might be-- - Shh. 听说你在这里 .
Give me your hand. 手伸出来

Now close your eyes. 闭上眼睛
Go on. 快点
Step up. 站上来
Now hold on to the railing. 抓紧栏杆
Keep your eyes closed, don"t peek. - I"m not. 眼睛闭好 , 别偷看
Step up onto the rail. 踩在栏杆上

Hold on. Hold on. Keep your eyes closed. 抓紧 . . 眼睛闭好
( Giggles ) - Do you trust me? 你信任我吗 ?
I trust you. 我信任你

All right, open your eyes. 好 , 张开眼睛
I"m flying!Jack! 我在飞 , 杰克

( softly ): Come,Josephine, my flying machine 约瑟芬 ,上到我的飞行器
Going up, she goes 我们一起飞上云宵 . .

That was the last time Titanic ever saw daylight. 那是沉船前的最后白书
So we"re up to dusk the night of the sinking. 是沉船当天的傍晚
Six hours to go. - Incredible. 还差六小时
There"s Smith and he"s standing there and he"s got the iceberg warning... 真不可思议 史船长明明接到他妈的警告
in his fucking hand-- excuse me-- his hand, and he"s ordering more speed. 抱歉我说粗话 但他还下令加速
26 years of experience working against him. 二十六年经验反而坏事
He figures anything big enough to sink the ship they"re going to see in time to turn 他以为可以看到再闪躲
but the ship"s too big with too small a rudder. Doesn"t corner worth a damn. 但船的舵不够大 根本没法急转弯
Everything he knows is wrong. 他的知识害了他