第 32 课

So serious. 你好严肃

I believe you are blushing, Mr. Big Artiste. 你好像脸红了 , 大画家
I can"t imagine Monsieur Monet blushing. 我想莫内不会脸红吧 ?
He does landscapes. Just relax your face. 人家画的是景物 脸部放松
Sorry. - No laughing. 对不起 不要笑

My heart was pounding the whole time. 我当时心跳得好厉害
It was the most erotic moment of my life. 那是我一生最性感的时刻

Up until then, at least. 至少到那时候为止
So what happened next? - You mean, did we do it? 接下来呢 ? 你是问题我们有没有 “做” ?
sorry, to disappoint you, Mr. Bodine. 很抱歉让你失望
Jack was very professional. 杰克非常专业

What you doing? 你在干嘛 ?
Will you put this back in the safe for me? 把这放回去好吗 ?

Would you excuse me? 对不起
None of the stewards have seen her. - This is absurd. 服务生都没看见她
It"s a ship, there"s only so many places she could be. 这船就这么大 她还能跑到哪儿去 ?
Lovejoy, find her. 把她找回来

Clear. - Yes. 好明朗 是啊
I don"t think I"ve ever seen such a flat calm. 不曾见过这样的风平浪静
Like a mill pond. Not a breath of wind. 简直像个池塘 一点风都没有
It will make the bergs harder to see 这样冰山底部没有浪花
with no breaking water at the base. 会比较难发现

Well, I"m off. Maintain speed and heading, Mr. Lightoller. 我要下班了
保持速度和航向 , 莱先生
Yes, sir.