第 33 课

It"s getting cold. You look nice. 变冷了
( Knock At Door) - Lovejoy: Miss Rose? 你好美 萝丝小姐
My drawings! 我的画 !

Crewman: God, it"s bloody cold. 冷死了
You know, I can smell ice, you know, when it"s near. 冰山接近时 , 我能闻到
Bollocks. - But I can, all right! 胡说八道 我就是有办法
Murdoch: Did you ever find those binoculars for the lookouts? 眺望员望远镜找到没 ?
Haven"t seen them since Southampton. 从南安普顿就没看见过
Well, I"ll be on my rounds. Cheerio. 我去巡逻 等会见

You"re trembling. 你在发抖
Don"t worry. I"ll be all right. 别担心 , 没事

They ran down there. - Right. 他们往那边去了

Lovejoy: Anything missing? 东西有没有少 ?

I"ve got a better idea. 我有个办法

Did you see those guys" faces? 看到他们表情没 ?
Did you see the... 看到没有 ?

When the ship docks... 等船靠岸 . .
I"m getting off with you. 我要跟你下船
This is crazy. 这样太疯狂了
I know. It doesn"t make any sense. 我知道 , 这好像没什么道理
That"s why I trust it. 所以要这么做