第 6 课

She"s a goddamned liar-- 她是个老千
Some nut case seeking money or publicity. 不是想捞钱就是想出名
God only knows why, like that Russian babe, Anesthesia. 就像 “真假公主” 的故事一样
They"re inbound! 他们找到了

Rose Dewitt Bukater died on the Titanic when she was 1 7, right? 萝丝十七岁就沉船死了
That"s right. - If she had lived, she"d be over 1 00. 对 , 否则要一百多岁了
1 01 next month. 下个月满一百零一岁

Okay, so she"s a very old goddamned liar. 好的 , 她是个 “老老千”
Look, I"ve already done the background on this woman 我查过她的底细
all the way back to the "20s when she was working as an actress. 她在 2 0 年代是个演员
An actress! There"s your first clue, Sherlock. 演员 , 你看吧
Her name was Rose Dawson back then. Then she marries this guy named Calvert. 她当时叫萝丝 . 道森 后来她嫁给卡维特先生
They move to Cedar Rapids and she punches out a couple of kids. 般到柏湍镇 , 生了两个小孩
Now, Calvert"s dead, and from what I hear, Cedar Rapids is dead. 她老公死了,柏湍镇也没落了
And everybody who knows about the diamond is supposed to be dead or on this boat, but she knows. 知道钻石的人全都死光了 但她却知道

Doesn"t exactly travel light, does she? 她的行李可真不少
Mrs. Calvert, I"m Brock Lovett. Welcome to the Keldysh. 卡维特太太 , 我是罗威特
Okay, let"s get her inside there. 送她进去
Hi, Ms. Calvert. - Hi. 卡维特小姐 , 您好
Welcome to the Keldysh. 欢迎登船

( Knocking ) - Rose: Yes?
Are your staterooms all right? - Rose: Oh,yes, very nice. 房间还舒适吗 ? 很舒适
Have you met my granddaughter Lizzie? 见过我孙女莉西没有 ?
She takes care of me. 都是她在照顾我
We met just a few minutes ago. 我们刚才见过了
Remember, Nana, up on deck? 在甲板上 , 记得吗 ?

There, that"s nice. 哦 , 对了 这样就对了
Have to have my pictures when I travel. 我出门都一定带着照片
Can I get you anything? Is there anything you"d like? 需不需要什么 ?

Yes. 有
I would like to see my drawing. 我想看看我的画像