第 8 课

This was mine. 这是我的
How extraordinary! 真不可思议 !
And it looks the same as it did the last time I saw it. 跟我最后一次 看到它时一模一样

The reflection has changed a bit. 我倒是变了一点

Are you ready to go back to Titanic? 要不要重返铁达尼号 ?

Lewis: Okay, here we go. She hits the berg on the starboard side, right? 好 , 是这样的船的右舷撞到冰山
She kind of bumps along punching holes like Morse code-- dit-dit-dit-- along the side, below the waterline.船身在水线以下破了一排的洞
Then the forward compartments start to flood. 前舱便开始进水
Now as the water level rises, it spills over the watertight bulkheads 水位上升 , 越过防水隔板
which unfortunately don"t go any higher than E deck. 因为隔板最高只到E层

So now as the bow goes down, the stern rises up 船首下沉 , 船尾就翅起
slow at first, then faster and faster until finally she"s got her whole ass is sticking up in the air and that‘s a big ass. 速度由慢变快到整个船尾朝着天空
We’re talking 20,000, 30,000 tons, okay? 船尾重达二 、 三十万吨
And the hull‘s not designed to deal with that pressure, so what happens? She splits, right down to the keel 船身承受不了结果船身从中间裂开
and the stern falls back level. 船尾掉回海面
Then as the bow sinks, it pulls the stern vertical and finally detaches. 船首下沉时 ,就把船尾拉直了两截终于脱离

Now, the stern section just kind of bobs there like a cork for a couple of minutes, floods and finally goes under about 2:20 a.m. 船尾浮了几分钟后 在凌晨两点二十分沉没
two hours and 40 minutes after the collision. 离出事两小时四十分钟后

The bow section planes away landing about a half a mile away going 20, 30 knots when it hits the ocean floor. 船的前半部往前滑在半里之外以二 、 三十里时速着地