Lesson 18 He often does this!

After I had had lunch at a village inn, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there! As I was looking for it, the innkeeper came in. 我在一家乡村小酒店吃过午饭后,就找我的提包。我曾把它放在门边的椅子上,可这会儿不见了!当我正在寻找时,酒店老板走了进来。

'Did you have a good meal?" he asked. “您吃得好吗?”他问。

'Yes, thank you,' I answered, 'but I can't pay the bill. I haven't got my bag.' “很好,谢谢。”我回答,“但我付不了帐,我的提包没有了。”

The innkeeper smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me. 酒店老板笑了笑,马上走了出去。一会儿工夫他拿着我的提包回来了,把它还给了我。

'I'm very sorry,' he said. 'My dog had taken in into the garden. He often does this!' “实在抱歉,”他说,“我的狗把它弄到花园里去了,他常干这种事!”

New words and expressions 生词和短语

inn n. 小酒店

innkeeper n. 店主

bill n. 帐单