Lesson 61 The dangerous Descend

In future, astronauts will be required to descend from a spaceship while it is still in space and to return to it. The ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to distant planets. 在未来,将要求宇航员从在太空中的宇宙飞船下降出来,并回到其中去。这种能力在未来飞往遥远星球的航行中是非常必要的。

Scientists are now trying to discover if this is possible. The spaceship Astra which left the earth a short time ago, will be travelling three hundred miles into space. 现在科学家试图发现这种可能性。阿斯特拉号宇宙飞船不久前离开了地球,将飞行300英里进入太空。

At a certain point, the Astra will stop for a short time and an astronaut will attempt to leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it. 在某一点上,阿斯特拉号将做暂短停留并试图离开静止的宇宙飞船,然后再回来。

We shall not know whether the experi-ment has been successful until we have received a radio message.我们只有在受到无线电信息后才知道这个实验是否成功。

The first message is expected to arrive at 7 o'clock this evening. By that time, the Astra will have been flying through space for seventeen hours and will have circled the earth a great many times. 第一个信息将在今晚7点钟到达。那时阿斯特拉号已经进入太空17个小时了,并将围绕地球飞行许多圈了。

When the first radio messages have been received, the results of the trip will be announced immediately. 当受到第一个无线电信息后,这次飞行的结果将马上公布。

New words and expressions 生词和短语

telescope n. 望远镜

launch v. 发射

space n. 空间

NASA n.(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 国家航空和航天局

billion n. 10亿

faulty adj. 有错误的

astronaut n. 宇航员

shuttle n. 航天飞机

Endeavour n. “奋进”号

robot-arm n. 机器手

grab v. 抓

atmosphere n. 大气层

distant adj. 遥远的

galaxy n. 星系

universe n. 宇宙

eagle eye 鹰眼