第 1 课:欢迎来到本公司

Dave: Welcome to InfoKing. I'm Dave. Looks like you've inherited Bob's cubicle. 欢迎来到资讯王。我是戴夫。看来你已经接管了鲍伯的办公室隔间。

Zina: I'm Zina Romero. Sales. Who was Bob? 我是吉娜萝美洛。业务员。谁是鲍伯?

Dave: Bob was a totally studly programmer. 鲍伯是个彻头彻尾的壮男程序设计师。

Zina: Studly? 壮男?

Dave: You know. Big brain. 你知道嘛,就是头好壮壮。

Zina: His stuff is still tacked up on the walls. Did he leave in a hurry? 他的东西还钉在墙上。他走得很匆忙吗?

Dave: The pressure got to him. Plus he wanted to get paid. 压力让他崩溃了。加上他又想拿到薪水。

Zina: What do you mean? If he was a good programmer, he should have been raking it in. 此话怎讲?若他是个好的程序设计师,他应该早就发了。

Dave: The boss wanted to pay Bob with stock options. But Bob didn't want to play that game again. 老板想用认股权当作薪水付给鲍伯。可是鲍伯不想再次玩那种游戏了。

Zina: Again? 再次?

Dave: At his last start-up, Bob worked for stock and no salary. They folded and he made zip. 鲍伯上回参与的创业公司,他工作的酬劳是股票,不拿薪水。他们的公司倒闭,他半毛也没拿到。

Zina: Ouch. 真惨。

Dave: Now he only works freelance. Hundred bucks an hour. 现在他只接个案做。时薪一百美元。