第 14 课:她可都是玩真的

Elvin: I used to be down on the sales people until I saw her in action. 我以前对业务员都很失望,直到我见识到吉娜的能耐。

Dave: She means business, for sure. 她可都是玩真的。

Elvin: Most salespeople seem like half-brains. Zina's definitely an exception.

Dave: We'd better get back to work. 我们最好回去工作了。

Elvin: Yeah, I'm not too worried about Vince, but I'd hate to face Zina if we don't deliver... 是啊,我还不太担心文斯,但若我们搞不定,我可是打死不想面对吉娜……

Mary: Zina, can I talk to you about something personal? 吉娜,我能跟你说些私事吗?

Zina: As long as it doesn't take too long. 只要不太花时间就可以。

Mary: My boyfriend says I work too much. That I spend more time with you than with him. 我男朋友说我工作太拼命了。说我跟你相处的时间都比跟他多。

Zina: Was he upset when you told him you had to leave this weekend? 你跟他说这周末你得去外地时,他有不爽吗?

Mary: He said not to bother coming back. And I said, fine, I won't. 他说不劳我再回去了。我就说:“好,我就不回来。”

Zina: So what's the problem? 那这有什么问题?