第 19 课: 我真的搞迷糊了

Dave: I'm really confused, Zina. Will you explain all this to me? 我真的搞迷糊了,吉娜。你能把这一切解释给我听吗?

Zina: Look, we need to have the Stars.com account, right? 我们得要拿到Stars.com这个客户,对吧?

Dave: Yes. If we get it, we'll really be set for success. 对。若是拿到,我们就稳成功了。

Zina: And to get it, we have to beat WebTracker to the punch. 为了拿到这个客户,我们得要抢在网路搜寻家前面。

Dave: OK, I'm with you so far. 好,我到现在都还听得懂。

Zina: That's why I promised that InfoKing would be up and running by the end of next week. 所以我才承诺说 “资讯王”在下周末以前就能上线运作。

Dave: That's what made Elvin so mad. I think he wants to strangle you. 艾文就是因为这档事而气急败坏。我想他要把你勒死。

Zina: Oh, Elvin doesn't know anything. He can't see the big picture. 喔,艾文啥都不懂。他看不到大局。

Dave: Well, he doesn't know that you recruited extra programmers. How did you manage that? 呃,他不知道你又新招募了程序设计师。你是怎么办到的?

Zina: I just sat down with the venture capitalist boys from Vikam and asked for more money. 我只是跟我们的投资方 “维康”的那些人坐下来,跟他们多要了些钱。

Dave: Can you do that? Isn't this Vince's company? 你这样行吗?这不是文斯的公司吗?

Zina: For now it is. 暂时是。

Dave: Uh-oh. Here comes Elvin. 不妙。艾文来了。