第 22 课:又一张绿色便条纸

Zina: Hey, Dave. Look at this another green note. Someone must have left it while I was in LA. 嘿,戴夫。你看这个--又一张绿色便条纸。一定是有人趁我去洛城的时候放的。

Dave: What does it say this time? Is it a death threat? 这次是写什么?索命威胁啊?

Zina: It says, "my dear kitten, / I'm sorry I haven't written. / It doesn't mean I'm not still smitten. / I am." 上面写着:“我亲爱的小猫,抱歉好一阵子没捎信, 这可不是我不魂牵梦萦。我仍迷恋着你。”

Dave: You've got to admit, he does have a way with words. 你得承认他还真会舞文弄墨。

Zina: It's a bunch of mush! Where does he get off calling me a kitten? 为赋新词强说愁!他凭什么叫我“小猫”?

Dave: Considering how you've been behaving, I'll admit it is a bit surprising.

Zina: Do you think what I did to Elvin was out of line? 你觉得我对艾文太过火了吗?

Dave: You could have tried to explain to him about the new programmers. 你本可以试着跟他解释,会有新的程序设计师进来。

Zina: Elvin doesn't want any programming help. He wants all the glory for himself. 艾文才不想要有人来帮忙写程序。他想功劳一手抓。

Dave: You might be right. He does think pretty highly of himself. 你或许没说错。他自视甚高。

Zina: Did you hear the names he was calling me? 你听到他怎么骂我吗?

Dave: I heard. But did you have to tear out his nose ring? 我听到了。但你有必要扯掉他的鼻环吗?