第 24 课: 或许我会感谢你。

Vince: Hi, Zina. I had a feeling you'd be stopping by. 嗨,吉娜。我就有预感你会过来。

Zina: Then you've heard from Vikam? 那么你跟“维康”通过电话了?

Vince: Yes. 对。

Zina: Look, Vince. I didn't mean to step on your toes, but we need to be decisive.

Vince: I know it. WebTracker is playing for keeps. They'll go for our jugular if we give them the chance. 我知道。“网路搜寻家”这次想要独霸。若我们给他们机会,只怕我们连命都保不住。

Zina: This is awkward, I know. I know you're upset. But in two weeks you'll be thanking me. 我知道这很令人难堪。我知道你很生气。但是两星期之内你就会感谢我。

Vince: Maybe. Maybe I will. 或许吧。或许我会感谢你。

Zina: So will you back me up if things get ugly with Elvin? 要是我跟艾文闹翻了,你会支持我吗?

Dave: I will if you tell me how you're so sure that we're going to come out on top.

Zina: We just will. Trust me on that. 我们就是会。信我就是了。

Dave: After what you did, I don't know how hard Elvin's going to work to meet your deadline. 在你做了那件事后,我不知道艾文工作会有多打拼,好赶上你的期限。

Zina: He'll do it. He's too proud not to. 他会的。他拉不下这张老脸。

Dave: You've got everyone figured out, don't you? 你对每个人都了若指掌,是吧?

Zina: Yes, I do. Everyone. 对,我是。每个人。