第 30 课: 我心意已决。

Zina: Hi, Dave. You're early. 嗨,戴夫。你早到了。

Dave: So you knew it was me? 你早就知道是我?

Zina: I had an idea. 我有在怀疑。

Dave: Look, before we get into the secret admirer thing, I want to talk to you about WebTracker. 在我们讨论暗恋者这件事之前,我要跟你先谈谈“网路搜寻家”。

Zina: I'm sorry. I know you feel betrayed. 对不起。我知道你有受到背叛的感觉。

Dave: So you're really planning to quit InfoKing and switch over to WebTracker? 那你是真的打算辞掉“资讯王”的工作,转投“网路搜寻家”?

Zina: My mind is made up. 我心意已决。

Dave: This is going to surprise you, but I'm happy. I think you're making the right move. 说了你会吓一跳,不过我听了很高兴。我觉得你下对了棋。

Zina: You do? 真的?

Dave: Look, maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but I'v going over to WebTracker, too. 你听我说,或许我不该跟你说这事,不过我也要投靠“网路搜寻家”。

Zina: No way! That's great! Then we'll still be together! 不可能!太棒了!那我们还能在一起!

Dave: Actually, I'm already working for WebTracker. Vince never wanted to give me what I was worth, so I figured, what the heck. 其实我已经在替“网路搜寻家”工作。文斯不肯给我合理待遇,我想说豁出去算了。

Zina: No kidding! I can't believe this. You devil! 不会吧!我不敢相信。你这恶魔!

Dave: It's kind of cool, isn't it? I'm sort of like a secret agent. 这有点小酷,对不对?我有点像是情报员。