第 14 课: Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他何时会回来吗?

A: Good afternoon. I'd like to speak with Tom Smith. 午安。我要找汤姆·史密斯听电话。

B: I'm afraid he's away from his desk at the moment. 他恐怕目前不在座位上。

A: Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他何时会回来吗?

B: He's away on a business trip. He won't be back until some time next week. 他出差了。他下个星期才会回来。

A: Is there some way I can get into contact with him? 我能用什么方式跟他联络上吗?

B: The best way to reach him is by cell phone. I'll give you his number. 最好打他的手机。我会给您手机号码。

A: Thanks. 谢谢。

B: His cell phone is 0911222333. 他的手机号码是0911222333。

A: Thank you so much. 非常感谢你。

B: My pleasure. I hope you get a hold of him. 这是我的荣幸。希望您能联络上他。

A: Did you like the Chanel bag that I got? 你喜欢我买的那个香奈儿包包吗?

B: You must have a rich boyfriend because that bag is so expensive! 你一定是交了个有钱男友,因为那个袋子超贵的!

A: I bought it on eBay. It was only one-tenth of the original price. And the purchase was so easy. 我在eBay上面买的。它只有原价的十分之一。而且很容易就买到了。

B: No kidding! Then how do you know the bag's real? 真的假的!那你怎么知道包包是真货?

A: Well, it came with a certificate, and it looks real. But auctioning on eBay is risky. 呃,有附一个证明书,而且看起来是真的。不过在eBay上面拍卖是要冒险的。

B: A risk I would never take... 一个我绝对不想冒的险……

A: Then you haven't browsed eBay before...get online. Don't hang up! 那是你没上eBay看过才会这么说……去上网。别挂断电话!