第 20 课: Don't ask me about geography or history. 别问我地理或历史

B: Am I lucky or what? My best American friend is Italian. I have a feeling that this visit won't be so good for my waistline. 我真是幸运啊!我最好的美国朋友是意大利人。我有预感这次到你家拜访对我的腰围不利。

A: You'll get to walk and talk it off. Hanging with my family, you might even laugh it off! There's my dad. [her dad's yelling--Ma fia! Ma fia! 你走走路、说说话就可以减肥了。跟我家人在一起,你甚至会笑掉几斤肉!那位是我爸。(她爸爸大叫Ma fia!Ma fia!)

B: Did he say Mafia? They're here? 他刚刚说黑手党吗?他们在这儿?

A: Ha ha, no. But that's an interesting story. Ma fia—“My daughter”in Italian. 嘿嘿,不是。不过那是个有趣的故事。意大利文Ma fia是 ‘我的女儿’的意思。

B: Oh, thank goodness. But it would have been exciting to experience a little Godfather on this trip. 噢,谢天谢地。不过要是此行能体验一下《教父》的情节,一定很刺激。

A: You know the Mafia come from the island of Sicily, right? 你知道黑手党发迹于西西里岛,对吧?

B: Don't ask me about geography or history.... 别问我地理或历史……

A: Sicily was often invaded by foreign armies and many women were taken advantage of. 西西里过去经常被外国军队入侵,很多妇女受辱。

B: They raped and pillaged? 他们奸淫掳掠?

A: Yes. The Sicilians started to get fed up and took action. 没错。西西里岛人开始受够了,于是采取行动。

B: What did they do? 他们怎么做?

A: To protect their families, many Sicilian men formed groups and started to fight back.. 为了保护他们的家人,许多西西里的男人组成团体,开始反击。