第 53 课: Totally cool colors! 超酷的颜色!

A: I think I need a new notebook... 我想我需要一台新的笔记型计算机……

B: Why? Is there some new, cool computer out on the market? 为什么?市场上有新出的酷计算机吗?

A: You bet there is. Feast your eyes on this puppy! 你答对了。这宝贝美呆了吧?

B: That's a notebook? 那是笔记型计算机?

A: Believe it! 你最好试着相信!

B: It looks more like a toy, or a cool briefcase! 说这是玩具,或是一只很酷的手提箱还比较像!

A: Look! There's even a built-in handle to carry it with. 你看!甚至还附把手让你提着走呢!

B: But it's so thin. There's no way that it comes with a CD-ROM. 可是这台那么薄。一定不可能有光盘机。

A: Oh, yes, it does. Look, here it says that the CD-ROM is built-in! 噢,有的。你看,这里写着光盘机是内置的!

B: What other features are listed? 上面还写了哪些特点?

A: It says that it comes in teal and tangerine. 上面说它有蓝绿色和橘色的。

B: Totally cool colors! 超酷的颜色!

A: And it says that it sleeps. 而且上面说它还会睡觉喔。