第 67 课: Why don't we just make it a friendly game? 何不来场友谊赛就好了?

Sally: Should we ask Jason to play? He's always watching movies on HBO. 我们应该叫杰森一起来玩吗?他老在看HBO演的电影。

Nick: I guess we should invite him. I just hope he doesn't start talking about
Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger again. 我想我们应该邀他一起玩。只希望他别又老是席维斯史特龙和阿诺史瓦辛格个没完。

Sally: Oh, come on! The game is better with three people. Anyway, if we don't ask him to play, he'll be mad. 别这样嘛!这个游戏三个人比较好玩。况且要是我们不找他,他一定会气个半死。

Nick: Yeah, you're right. We'll never hear the end of it. 对喔,你说得没错。他到时候一定没完没了。

Jason: I've got an idea. Let's make this game even more interesting. 我有个主意。我们来让这游戏更有趣。

Sally: How? Do you want to play strip-trivia or something? 怎么有趣?你要玩脱衣猜谜啊?

Jason: Well, if you want to! Seriously, though, let's make a bet. 呃,如果你要的话!不过说真格的,我们来打赌。

Sally: Why don't we just make it a friendly game? 何不来场友谊赛就好了?

Jason: Don't be such a chicken! Whoever loses has to treat everyone to a movie. 你少胆小了!输的人要请大家看场电影。

Sally: OK. I'll take your bet, as long as the winner gets to pick the movie. What about you, Nick? 好吧,我接受这赌注。只要赢家可以选电影就行。

Nick: Sure. Do you want to go first, Sally? 当然行。你要先开始吗,莎莉?

Sally: Why not! (Sally rolls the dice) I rolled a five. The category is "Best
Pictures." 有何不可?(莎莉掷骰子)我掷了一个五。分类是“最佳影片”。

Nick: OK, here's your question: "What movie won the 1996 Oscar for Best Picture?" 好,你的问题是:“一九九六年奥斯卡的最佳影片是?”

Sally: I know that, it's The English Patient. It was one of the only good American movies of the 90s. 我知道,是《英伦情人》。这部片是九○年代美国少数几部佳片之一。

Nick: Well, along with Jurassic Park! Nice going, you got the right answer. 这个嘛,还要加上《侏罗纪公园》!不错喔,你答对了。