第 69 课: Well, nobody's perfect! 呃,没有人是完美的嘛!

Jason: I'll tell you something that's good about action movies. The special effects are great! 我来跟你说说动作片好在哪里。动作片的特效超棒!

Sally: But they are so silly! They're not art! 不过都很蠢!那不是艺术!

Jason: That's just your personal prejudice. Do you know who the director of the movie Titanic was? 这只是你个人的偏见。你知道《铁达尼号》的导演是谁吗?

Sally: James Cameron, of course. 当然是詹姆斯喀麦隆。

Jason: Well, did you know he was also the director of The Terminator? 好,那你知道他也是《魔鬼终结者》的导演吗?

Sally: Well, nobody's perfect! 呃,没有人是完美的嘛!

Jason: I suppose you like cinematography and costumes and that sort of stuff? 我猜你很喜欢电影摄影和服装之类的玩意儿?

Sally: Yes, I do. The look of a picture is very important. 对,我喜欢。电影的门面很重要。

Jason: I think sound is even more important! Guns, bombs, sirens--that's what makes a movie exciting! 我觉得音效更重要!枪啊、炸弹还有警铃的——这样电影才会刺激嘛!

Sally: You wouldn't know a good movie even if it bit you on the nose. 你就算看到了好电影也不会知道。

Jason: In my book, all a good movie needs is a chase scene and lots of things that blow up. 在我看来,好电影只需要飞车追逐和一大堆爆炸场面。

Sally: Enough! If we don't finish the game, there won't be time for any movies tonight! 够了!要是我们不快点玩完,今晚就没时间看电影了!

Nick: Great! I landed on Classic Movies. 大棒了。我走到了“经典片”。

Sally: I didn't know you liked old movies. 我不知道你还喜欢看老片。

Nick: I love them, especially the all-time greats like Gone With the Wind. 我最爱老片了,尤其是像《乱世佳人》这种历久弥新的巨作。

Sally: You're so right! Today's movies are just too commercial! 一点没错!现在的电影都太商业化了!

Nick: Sometimes I think Oscars are only awarded to movies that make a lot of money. 我有时觉得奥斯卡只会颁给那些卖得很好的电影。