第 70 课: Only about old movies, really... 其实只有老片而已啦……

Sally: OK, Nick. Here's the question: "What movie and its sequel both won an Oscar for Best Picture?" 好,尼克。你的问题是:哪部电影的原作和续集同时获得了奥斯卡的最佳影片?

Nick: The Godfather and The Godfather II, of course. They were both directed by Francis Ford Coppola. 当然是《教父》和《教父续集》。它们均由法蓝西斯科波拉执导。

Sally: Whew! I'm impressed! You really know your stuff! 呼!真令人印象深刻!你还真有一套!

Nick: Only about old movies, really... 其实只有老片而已啦……

Sally: We're in big trouble, Jason. Nick is beating us by a long shot. 我们麻烦大了,杰森。尼克大幅领先我们。

Jason: Impossible! Well, I'm not giving up yet. It's not over till the fat lady sings! 不可能!好,我还没有放弃。胜负到要最后一刻才见分晓!

Sally: OK, comeback kid. Here's you last question: "How many times did Robin Williams win the Oscar for Best Actor?" 好吧,大逆转小子。这是你的最后一题:罗宾威廉斯得过几次奥斯卡最佳男主角?

Jason: Hmm. Let's see...there was Good Morning, Vietnam, Dead Poet's Society, The Fisher King...Three, right? 呣。我想想……有《早安,越南》、《春风化雨》、《奇幻城市》……三次,对不对?

Sally: Nope, sorry! Actually, Robin Williams has never won an Oscar for Best
Actor--only for Best Supporting Actor! 不对,很抱歉!其实罗宾威廉斯从未得过奥斯卡最佳男主角——他只得过最佳男配角!

Jason: I can't believe it! I lost. 我不相信!我输了。

Nick: It looks like you have to buy tickets for us, Jason. And we're not going to see an action movie! 看来你要帮我们买票了,杰森。而且我们可不看动作片!

Jason: That's not fair, you got all the easy questions. 不公平,你的问题都很简单。

Nick: I guess that's just the luck of the draw. 我猜这只是我签运好吧。

Jason: I want a rematch. Let's play again. 我要重新比过。我们再玩一次。

Nick: Sorry, not tonight! 很抱歉,今晚不行!