第 74 课: That's Madame Psychic to you . 面对您的可是神机夫人呢。

Jennifer: Ooo...your face is really oily...perfect! 喔……太好啦!你的脸可还真是油呢!

Billy: Why? Are you planning to stir-fry my face? 怎么?难道你想要用我的脸炒菜啊?

Jennifer: Nope. I'm going to tell your fortune. So...the oilier, the better. 才不呢。我是想要帮你算个命。所以啊……脸越油越好。

Billy: You've gone bonkers, Jen. 阿花,我看你真的是头壳坏去了!

Jennifer: It's facial paper, and it fits into the rings of my binder! It's magical. 这是面纸,它正好可以套在我的活页本的环扣上!它很神奇喔!

Billy: OK. Let's see. Give me a sheet. 好吧!秀一张给我瞧瞧看。

Jennifer: Just dab it all over your face and then take a look at the symbols that appear. 只要用这张面纸将脸整个按过一遍,然后看看会有什么符号浮现出来。

Billy: Yeah...hearts, stars and some weird looking things. 嗯……有爱心状、星星状,还有一些看起来怪怪的图案。

Jennifer: Those are money bags, and they represent your financial situation. 这些是钱袋的形状,它们代表着你的财运。

Billy: So decode this for me, Madame Psycho. 那么神经夫人,就请您为我解读吧。

Jennifer: That's Madame Psychic to you . 面对您的可是神机夫人呢。

Billy: I'm waiting... 我静待指示……

Jennifer: Well, you have three hearts--lucky in love tonight. Dress up and go on a date! 嗯,你有三个爱心的图样——看来今晚会有桃花运。打扮一下,约会去吧!