Billy: What are you hiding in your coat pocket? 你藏在外套口袋里的是什么? Jennifer: It's a camera. 那是照相机。 Billy: You want to take pictures of the inside of your pocket? 你想拍口袋里面的照片吗? Jennifer: Not even funny, Billy. This is my new snapshot sticker camera. 很难笑,比利。这是我新的快照贴纸照相机。 Billy: What's that supposed to mean? 那是啥意思? Jennifer: Well, there are adhesive strips on the backs. You can stick them anywhere. 就是照片后面有条背胶。你爱贴哪就贴哪。
Billy: You are so easily amused... 你还真容易满足…… Jennifer: And look! This is one of both of us! Cheese! [Click!] 看镜头!为我们两个拍一张!笑一个!(咯喳!) Billy: Not again! 别又来了! Jennifer: Look! You can see all your nose hairs! 看!你的鼻毛全看到了! Billy: And your pores! 还有你的毛孔! Jennifer: The point is to take close-ups and get people when they least expect it. 重点是要趁人不备时给他们来个大特写。 Billy: Do the pictures develop automatically? 这些照片会自动显像吗?