第 77 课: Slow down. What are you talking about? 慢点。你在说什么啊?

Robert: I am so glad I caught you at home. I need your help! 真高兴逮到你在家。我需要你帮忙!

Hugh: What's up, Robert? 怎么了,罗伯?

Robert: Cafe au lait, cafe latte, cappuccino, cafe mocha...I can't keep them all straight! 咖啡欧蕾、拿铁、卡布其诺、摩卡咖啡……我都搞乱了!

Hugh: Slow down. What are you talking about? 慢点。你在说什么啊?

Robert: It's about a girl. No, an angel! I'm going to the coffee shop where she works right now. 这是关于一个女孩。不,是天使!我正要去她工作的那家咖啡店。

Hugh: What does this have to do with me? 这跟我有什么关系?

Robert: You know all about coffee. I need your advice, so I won't look stupid when I order. 你懂咖啡。我需要你的建议,这样我点咖啡的时候才不会跟白痴一样。

Hugh: Order tea. Isn't that what you like to drink? 点茶啊,你不是爱喝茶吗?

Robert: Come on, Hugh! Tea is for wimps! Please, I need your help. 得了吧,阿修!软脚虾才喝茶!求你帮帮我啦。

Hugh: If you want to be macho, order a double shot of espresso. 若你想要有男子气概,就点双份的意大利浓缩咖啡。

Robert: Now you're talking. That sounds good. What is it? 这才像话嘛。听来不错。那是啥啊?

Hugh: Espresso is made with a machine that forces steam and boiling water through finely ground coffee. It's strong. 意大利浓缩咖啡是利用机器的蒸汽与滚水,穿透磨细的咖啡豆煮出来的。这咖啡很浓。

Robert: OK, OK, this is good. Keep talking. What about cappuccino and all those other drinks? 好,好,这个好。继续说。那卡布其诺跟其它那些咖啡呢?

Hugh: Cappuccino is one-third espresso and two-thirds a mixture of steamed milk and froth. 卡布其诺就是三分之一的意大利浓缩加上三分之二的热牛奶和奶泡做的。

Robert: Froth? 奶泡?

Hugh: If you want something manly, stick with the espresso. 若要点男人喝的东西,就专点意大利浓缩。

Robert: Thanks, Hugh. I owe you one. 多谢,阿修。我欠你一次。