第 78 课: What can I get for you? 你要点些什么?

Rita: Hi. What can I get for you? 嗨,你要点些什么?

Robert: I'd like a double espresso. With extra espresso, please. 我要一杯双份意大利浓缩。麻烦再外加意大利浓缩。

Rita: Pardon? Do you want three espressos? 我没听清楚。你是要三份意大利浓缩?

Robert: Right. Give me a triple shot. 对。给我一杯三份浓缩的。

Rita: Actually, we don't sell a triple, but I could give you two doubles if you like. 其实我们没有卖三份的,不过你要的话,我可以给你两杯双份的。

Robert: That's fine. Two double espressos. And I like it strong. 可以,那就来两杯双份的。我要浓一点。

Rita: Coming right up. I'll make it strong enough to wake the dead! 马上来。我会让它浓到连死人都会活过来!

Rita: OK, Dead Man. If this doesn't start your engine, nothing will. 好了,死人。要是这不能让你动力全开,也就别无他法了。

Robert: Thank you. Hey, do you know how espresso got its name? 谢谢。你知道意大利浓缩这名字是怎么来的?

Rita: No, I don't. 不,我不知道。

Robert: It's because of the way the steam and boiling water are pressed through the coffee. Es-PRESS-o, get it? 那是因为蒸汽和滚水是被‘压’进咖啡粉。 Es-PRESS-o,懂了吧?

Rita: Uh, are you sure about that? I thought espresso was an Italian word. 呃,你确定吗?我以为那是意大利文。

Robert: You're right--Italian! Ha! Ha! I was trying to trick you, but you didn't fall for it! 没错——意大利文!哈!我本来想骗你的,可是你没有中计!

Rita: I almost did! Actually, I don't know that much about coffee, even though I sell it. 我差点就相信了!其实我不太懂咖啡,虽然我在卖咖啡。

Robert: I could give you a few pointers if you want. I know a lot about coffee. 愿意的话,我可以指点指点你。我很懂咖啡。

Rita: Thanks. Maybe if things slow down later I'll stop by your table. 谢谢。或许待会儿等客人少一点的时候,我可以去你桌子那里。

Robert: I'm Robert, at your service. 我是罗伯,任你差遣。

Rita: Rita. Nice to meet you. 我是莉塔。幸会。