Unit 136 不感兴趣时

I don't care. 怎么都行。

Who cares? 管它呢!

Whatever you want. 随便你!

Nobody knows. 谁知道呢。

It has nothing to do with me. 这跟我没关系。

I couldn't care less. 我才不在乎呢。

Nobody cares. 没人注意你。

Let it be. 随他们去呢!

I don't care what they say. 我才不在乎他们说什么呢。

Anyone will do. 哪个都行。

We can do without him. 没他我们也可以。

I've got nothing special to talk about. 我没什么特别要说的。

It doesn't matter. 无所谓。

It's the same old story. 这又不是什么新鲜事。