Unit 155 预订餐馆-1

Could you recommend a good restaurant near here? 这附近您能推荐家好吃的饭馆吗?

I'd like some Italian food. 我想吃意大利菜。

Which restaurant do you recommend? 您推荐哪家饭馆?

Is there a Mexican restaurant around here? 这附近有墨西哥餐馆吗?

Where is the closest Mexican restaurant? 最近的墨西哥餐馆在哪儿?

Are there any restaurants still open near here?这附近有没有还在营业的饭馆?

Do I need a reservation? 我需要预订吗?

Hello, this is the Park Restaurant. May I help you? 您好,这是公园餐厅。我可以为您服务吗?

I'd like to make a reservation for eight people at six o'clock tonight. 我想订餐。今天晚上6点,8个人的位子。

We are a group of eight. 我们一共8个人。

I'd like to reserve a table for eight. 我想订八个人的餐。

Could we have a table close to the band? 我们能不能要张离乐队近一点儿的桌子?

I'm sorry. We're all booked up tonight. 对不起,今天晚上都订满了。