Unit 16 打高尔夫

I'd like to play golf. 我想打高尔夫球。

Would you like to golf tomorrow? 明天打高尔夫球,好吗?

Do you want to join me? 愿意和我一起打高尔夫球吗?

Are there any golf courses around here? 这附近有高尔夫球场地吗?

How much is it per person? 1个人多少钱?

How much is it per day? 1天多少钱?

Are there any extra charges? 此外还有其它的花费吗?

Can I rent the equipment? 我可以租用用具吗?

Please make a reservation for golf. 请帮我预约高尔夫球。(请别人预约时)

I'd like to make golf reservations. 我想预约高尔夫球。(由自己提出请求时)

When would you like to play?要什么时间的?

This Friday, if possible. 如果可以的话,请订这个星期五的。

There are four of us. 我们一共4个人。

What time are we starting?我们几点开始?