Unit 48 碰到友人-2

What's the hurry? 急着干什么去呀?

Where are you headed?你去哪儿?

What are you doing? 你干吗呢?

I was just thinking. 我在想点事儿。

I was just daydreaming. 我只是发了会儿呆。

I'm just killing time. 我只是在消磨时间。

What's on your mind? 你想什么呢?

Nothing. 没想什么。/没什么。

Another day, another dollar. 和往常一样。

You've come just in time. 你来的正是时候。

There you are! 原来你在这儿啊!

Is Jeff around? 杰夫在吗?

Have you seen Scott? 你见到斯科特了吗?

I ran into him. 我偶然碰到了他。

Guess who I bumped into yesterday? 哎,你猜我昨天遇见谁了?

He's a stranger to me. 我跟他素不相识。