Unit 71 催促别人说话

Say something. 你说点什么吧!

Tell me more (about it). 我想知道得详细一些。

How was your trip? 你的旅行怎么样?

I'm all ears. 我在认真地听呢。

How was the meeting? 会开得怎么样?

I'm listening. 继续说呀。

I'd like to hear the story. 我很想听听那件事。

We had small talk. 我们只是闲聊一会儿。

How was the movie? 电影怎么样?

Did you enjoy the play? 那部戏有意思吗?

I want to talk about it now. 我想现在就谈谈那件事。

Shoot! 说吧,说吧。

Let's talk in English. 咱们说英语吧。

Let's have a chat. 咱们聊会儿天吧!

To the point, please. 抓重点的说。

How was your day? 今天过得怎么样?