Unit 76 提醒-1

Let me give you a piece of advice. 我得提醒一句。

Watch out! 小心!

Watch your step! 注意脚下。

Hold on to me tight. 抓紧我。

Watch out for him! 要提防着点儿他!

There's a little catch. 这里有点儿蹊跷。

Think twice before you do it. 三思而后行。

Easy does it. 轻拿轻放。/动作轻点儿。

Please go easy on me. 手下留情。

Let's not jump the gun. 别操之过急。

Let's not go overboard. 不要做得太过火。

Let's wait and see how things go. 我们看情况再说。

Don't jump to conclusions! 别这么快下结论。

Don't be selfish. 别那么自私。

Your work is always inconsistent. 你的工作表现总是不稳定。