Unit 86 表扬-1

Great! 太棒了!

John is incredible! 约翰你真够出色的!

Good job! 真不错。

Way to go! 干得真好!

Well done, son! 儿子,你真棒!

Congratulations! 恭喜了!

You were great! 你真了不起!

Good for you. 恭喜你。/干得不错。

Good boy. 真是好孩子。

What a nice dress! 多漂亮的裙子呀!

I like your shirt. 我真喜欢你的衬衫。

That's a great tie. 你的领带真漂亮。

You have a nice car. 你有辆好车呀!

Where did you buy it? 在哪儿买的?

I bought it at the K store. 是在K店买的。