第 2 课: The day's finally here. 这天终于到了!

Susie: Please? 拜托吗?

Dad: Sure, honey. We can make him a perfect pond with a lily pad. 当然可以,亲爱的。我们可以帮它做一个有睡莲叶的舒适池子。

Susie: And Gordon can't come over. He said he would steal Tad and fry his fat frog legs! 而且禁止戈登进入。他说要偷走泰德,然后油炸它的肥青蛙腿!

Dad: Don't worry. No one eats frogs in our house. We believe in animal rights. 别担心。在我们家不准有人吃青蛙腿。我们相信动物生存权。

Susie: I've got to change Tad's water now...then we can talk about the pond! 现在我得去帮泰德换水……然后我们再来讨论池子的事!

Dad: OK, hun. Be careful now! 好的,亲爱的。小心点!

Lady: Can I help you, sir? Are you alright? You're sweating. 先生,需要帮忙吗?你还好吧?你在冒汗耶。

Dad: My daughter was cleaning out her tadpole tank, and she put it in a glass of water... 我女儿刚刚在清理蝌蚪的水缸,她把蝌蚪放在一杯水里……

Lady: Oh, no. You didn't, did you? 喔,糟糕。你该不会真的喝了吧,你有吗?

Dad: Yes! And I hate frog legs! I would never eat them! 没错!我恨青蛙腿!我根本不想吃它们!

Lady: Well, your story isn't the first we've heard. Lately, we've heard everything from tadpoles being electrocuted to being used as cat food... 嗯,你的故事我们并非头一回听到。最近,我们听到各种有关蝌蚪的消息,从被电死到被当作猫食都有……

Holly: Wow! The day's finally here. 哇!这天终于到了!

Yi-jun: Have Cath and Rich gotten everything prepared? 卡西和李奇一切准备就绪了吗?

Holly: Down to the last detail. Over two hundred people will be there. 每个细节都打点好了。有两百多人要来。

Yi-jun: At the wedding, too? 这些人也都会参加婚礼?

Holly: Yeah, you told me you do mainly civil ceremonies for the marriage part. 对呀,你说过你们大多去政府机关注册就算结婚了。

Yi-jun: Exactly. Then the reception is when the party really starts. 没错。然后真正的庆祝是从喜宴开始。