第 20 课: Like you said 就像你说的

Trev: The architecture we've seen so far has impressed me. 目前看到的这些建筑风格真让我印象深刻。

Paul: It's like an old Canadian colonial style with all the brick and stone. 有了这些砖块和石头,感觉就像旧加拿大的殖民地风格。

Trev: The cobblestone streets and cool lampposts give me a glimpse of Canadian
nostalgia. 这些小圆石铺成的街道,和出色的街灯让我感受到一股加拿大复古风情。

Paul: I agree! It's always nice to mix in a little old with some of the new. 我同意!在新东西里掺杂一些旧风味总是很美好的。

Trev: Now I just need to learn to speak a little French... 现在我只消学着说一些法语……

Paul: The locals would respect you more if you could! 如果你能,本地人会更重视你!

Wei: I just love how multi-cultural this area is! And fashionable! 我好爱这里的多元文化!还有时尚感!

Paul: Yeah. People enjoy sitting on these patios, sipping away on drinks. 是啊。人们喜欢坐在这些露天咖啡座喝饮料。

Wei: The shops look all funky and trendy! 这些店看起来都好有个性、好时髦!

Paul: And Montreal is known for it's vibrant night life! 而且蒙特娄以多采多姿的夜生活闻名!

Wei: Hey Paul, is Anne of Green Gables around here? My sister told me about her. 嘿,保罗,《清秀佳人》在这附近吗?我姐跟我说过关于她的故事。

Paul: Ha! No, that story is from P.E.I...about eight hours northeast of here. 哈!不,那个故事是发生在爱德华王子岛……从这儿往东北方大约要八个小时才会到。

Wei: Like you said...road trips are fun, eh? Let's go! 就像你说的……公路旅游很有趣呗?走吧!