第 38 课: Is that something you have to do? 你们一定得这样做吗?

Holly: Your dumplings are the hit of the party. 你的水饺是餐会上的抢手货。

Yi-jun: This is my first potluck, but I think I could get used to this idea. 这是我第一次办的自助餐会,但我还蛮喜欢这个点子。

Holly: Yeah, everyone really pitched in. We have enough food to feed a small army. 对呀,大家真的很尽心尽力。我们的食物多到可以给一支小型军队吃了。

Yi-jun: Mexican tacos, Italian pasta, Greek pitas, Beijing duck...what a weird mix! 墨西哥玉米饼、意大利面、希腊口袋饼、北京烤鸭……好怪的组合!

Holly: That's potluck for you. You get to try a little sample of what each person likes. 自助餐会就是这样啊。每个人喜欢的食物你都有机会吃一点试试看。

Yi-jun: Speaking of people, where's Taylor? We're running low in the dessert
department. 说到人,泰勒呢?我们的甜点快要吃光了。

Holly: He DID say he had a headache yesterday. Maybe he's getting sick again. 他昨天是有说过他头痛。或许他又生病了。

Yi-jun: [Playfully] Doesn't he know it's rude not to visit your friends on New Year's Day? (打趣地)难道他不知道大年初一不来向朋友拜年很无礼吗?

Holly: Is that something you have to do? 你们一定得这样做吗?

Yi-jun: Yep, there's fifteen days to Chinese New Year, plus one for New Year's Eve. Each day has special celebrations. 对呀,中国新年有十五天,外加一天除夕。每天都有特别的庆祝活动。

Holly: Man, Chinese sure know how to ring in the New Year! 天啊,中国人还真懂怎么迎接新年哩!

Yi-jun: Of course. After all, we've been doing it for thousands of years! 那当然。毕竟,我们已经庆祝了好几千年了呢!

James: Any new ideas on the Mr. Fro case? How can we give this motor oil a new brand identity? 法洛先生的案子有什么新点子吗?我们要怎么给这种机油新的品牌特性?
Ann: Let me get my morning coffee to get my brain working again. 让我喝喝早上的咖啡,好让大脑恢复运作吧。

James: I could use one, too. I'm still burnt out from that last cigarette ad campaign. 我需要也来一杯。为了上次香烟广告案,我到现在都还累得口吐白沫、脑汁干涸。

Ann: As long as the foam on my macchiato's not burnt, too, I'll be alright for a while. You got your espresso, Jess? 只要我的玛奇朵上的白沫没干涸,我就可以撑一阵子。拿到你的浓缩咖啡了没,洁丝?