第 39 课: A match made in heaven. 真是天作之合啊

James: My latte looks like that shoe polish we did an ad for last month. 我的那堤看起来像上个月我们做广告的那种鞋油。

Jess: And this espresso looks like...oil! 而这杯浓缩咖啡看起来像是……石油!

James: [Taking a sip] It still tastes fine, though. (啜饮一口)不过尝起来还不错。

Jess: These days, I can't think of anything but motor oil. Even coffee makes me think of it. 我这阵子脑袋里只有机油。就连咖啡也会让我联想到它。

James: Wait a second! There's the idea for this case! “Your motor oil should be as choice and fresh as your morning coffee.” 等等!有一个跟这案子有关的点子了!‘你的机油应该跟早上喝的咖啡般,精选又新鲜。’

Ann: That's brilliant! We can name the grades of motor oil by where they come from. 太棒了!我们可以用机油的产国命名,以区分等级。

James: [Joking] “Mr. Mechanic, I'd like a nice Venezuelan blend this morning.” (开玩笑)‘技师先生,我今天早上想来点委内瑞拉特调。’

Ann: “I think the Saudi Arabian will hit the spot today.” ‘我想今天来点沙特阿拉伯口味挺合胃口的。’

James: But really, maybe this can work. Everyone loves coffee, and everyone needs motor oil. 但说真的,或许这行得通。人人都爱咖啡,人人也都需要机油。

Ann: A match made in heaven. 真是天作之合啊。

Jess: I can't believe Mr. Fro didn't buy it. Who does that guy think he is anyway? Bill Gates? 我真不敢相信法洛先生不买帐。那家伙到底以为自己是谁啊?比尔盖兹吗?

Ann: He had a lot of nerve telling us our ads sucked. 他还真有胆子敢说我们的广告烂。

Jess: Time to order. [to barista] Barista, today I want a skinny triple latte. 该点咖啡啰。(对咖啡调理员)吧台,今天我要一杯脱脂牛奶加三份浓缩的那堤。

Ann: When did you start worrying about your weight? 你何时开始担心体重啦?

Jess: I'm not. I just don't feel like drinking whole milk today. Why? Do you think I'm fat? 才没呢。我只是今天不想喝全脂牛奶。怎样?你觉得我胖?

Ann: No, Jess, chill out! 没有,洁丝,别紧张!