第 41 课: It's worth a shot. 值得一试

Jess: Barista, I'll have a 1 frappuccino. 吧台,我要一杯法布奇诺。

Ann: What a girly drink. I'll take a bag of the Blue Mountain and a decaf breva... 真是女性化的饮料。我要买包蓝山和一杯低咖啡因的布雷瓦……

Jess: You and your fancy Italian names. 你老爱说些花俏的意大利名字。

Ann: Isn't “frappuccino” Italian, too? [to barista] ...and heat me up a panini. ‘法布奇诺’不也是意大利名?(对吧台)……再帮我热一份帕里尼三明治。

Jess: [To barista] I'll be fine with just my girly drink, thank you very much. (对吧台)我还是喝我的女性化饮料就好,多谢了。

Ann: [To Jess] And I'll stick with real coffee. (对洁丝)而我要继续喝真正的咖啡。

Ann: I know why Mr. Fro didn't like our ad idea! He doesn't know the first thing about coffee. 我知道法洛先生为什么不喜欢我们广告的点子了!他根本完全不懂咖啡。

James: True. I always see him drinking instant. 对,我老是看他喝速溶咖啡。

Ann: Let's take him some of Kitty's best and make the pitch again. 我们带些凯蒂咖啡里最好的咖啡给他,再做一次提案。

James: Do you think that will be enough to make him have a change of heart? 你认为这样能够让他回心转意吗?

Ann: It's worth a shot. 值得一试。

Fro: This'd better be good. I'm about to fire you all and find another company. 这次最好是好点子。我都准备要开除你们,去找别家公司了。

James: We've brought you a little something from the place down the street, Kitty Cafe-Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans! 我们从街底的凯蒂咖啡店带了一点东西给你——牙买加蓝山咖啡豆!

Fro: Mmm, smells good. Sure better than my instant. But please don't tell me this is another coffee-themed pitch. I thought I told you... 嗯,闻起来不错。的确胜过我平常喝的速溶咖啡。但是别跟我说这又是一个以咖啡为主题的提案。我想我跟你们说过了……

James: ...yes, but this one has an all-new buzz. ……没错,但是这一次有了全新的切入点。