第 42 课: The weekend's finally here! 周末总算到了

Fro: Look, there's no way we can convince people they need fresh motor oil every morning. 听着,我们不可能说服大家每天早上都需要新鲜机油的。

Ann: No, but you can let them know that yours is the cream of the crop-the purest motor oil in the world. [handing a cafe breva to Fro] Careful, hold it by the java jacket. This coffee drink has half and half-what do you think? 是不行,但你可以让他们知道,你的机油是最好的——是世上最纯的机油。(拿一杯布雷瓦咖啡给法洛)当心,握住有咖啡隔热套的地方。这杯咖啡里加的是一半牛奶、一半鲜奶油——你觉

Fro: It tastes funny. Why can't people just stick to plain and simple coffee? 尝起来怪怪的。为什么人们不能老老实实地喝普通咖啡就好?

Ann: That's just the point! Purity is the essence of good coffee, right? 这就是重点!纯就是好咖啡的本质,对不对?

Jess: [Handing an espresso to Fro] Just as purity is what makes your motor oil better than the rest! (把浓缩咖啡递给法洛)光是‘纯’这一点,你的机油就胜过其它的对手了。

Fro: I suppose so. 我想也是吧。

Jess: And there is our campaign! “Fro Brand: The Espresso of Motor Oil.” 而这就是我们的活动诉求!‘法洛牌:机油中的浓缩咖啡。’

Fro:[Sipping his espresso] I like it! (啜饮他的浓缩咖啡)我喜欢!

Jess: The coffee or the campaign? 是咖啡还是活动诉求?

Fro: Both! Maybe I should get into the coffee business, too! 两个都喜欢。或许我也该进军咖啡业了呢!

Holly: The weekend's finally here! 周末总算到了!

Yi-jun: And it's a long one. I have Monday off. It's Memorial Day or something like that. 而且是个长长的周末。我星期一放假。好像是阵亡将士纪念日还是什么的。

Holly: Yep. It's the kickoff of the barbecue season. We're invited to a grill party in the park tomorrow. 没错。这是烤肉季的开始。我们明天受邀到公园参加烤肉派对。

Yi-jun: Sounds good. What do we need to bring? 听来不错。我们要带什么去?

Holly: We need to buy some buns for the hot dogs and hamburgers, and I'm making potato salad. 我们得买一些包热狗和汉堡用的圆面包,还有我要做马铃薯色拉。

Yi-jun: I'll dig out the Frisbee and my kite from Taiwan. 我会找出飞盘和我从台湾带来的风筝。