第 44 课: you're sweating up a storm! 你真是汗流浃背啊

Yi-jun: Hi, Mr. Smith. Are you enjoying the cookout? You don't look too happy. 嗨,史密斯先生。你野餐得还愉快吗?你看来不太高兴。

TF: I spent the morning at the cemetery. I put flowers on the graves of my old war buddies. 我早上都待在公墓。我去老战友的坟墓上献花。

Yi-jun: Is that what people usually do on Memorial Day? 这是大家在阵亡将士纪念日当天常会做的事吗?

TF: They should. This holiday is about remembering our war dead. But people these days think it's just a holiday for summer sales and cookouts! 这是本来就该做的。这个假日是要纪念我们阵亡的死者。但是最近人们只把它当成是个夏季大采购和野餐的假日。

Yi-jun: I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you for telling me a little more about it. 听你这么说,我觉得很遗憾。谢谢你让我更加了解一点。

Yi-jun: Taylor, you're sweating up a storm! 泰勒,你真是汗流浃背啊。

Taylor: Your boyfriend, Bryan, wanted to toss the football. I think he wore me out. 你男朋友,布莱恩,想要玩美式足球抛接。我快被他累死了。

Yi-jun: Yeah, you look a little shaky. And pale. You seriously need some time in the sun. 对呀,你看起来似乎站不稳了。也挺苍白的。你真的需要好好晒一晒太阳了。

Taylor: You're like the tenth person to say that. 你大概是第十个这么说的人了。

Yi-jun: We're just worried about you, Taylor. 我们只是担心你,泰勒。

Taylor: Whatever. I wish people would just leave me alone! [storms off] 随便啦。我希望大家别来烦我了!(生气离去)

Rich: Now the coals are just right. I can start grilling. 现在木炭差不多好了。我要开始烤了。

Yi-jun: Here you go. I made up the burger patties for you. 你拿去吧。我已经帮你准备好汉堡肉饼了。

Rich: Thanks. Smell the hickory chips? They give the meat a nice, smoky flavor. 谢了。闻到胡桃木屑的味道没?这会给肉一种芳香的烟熏味。

Yi-jun: [Moves toward the grill] I'll take over for a while to give you a break. (移向烤肉架)我来接手一下,让你休息。

Rich: Sorry. This is a one-man job. I've got the grill justhow I like it, and I've made up my own special sauce. 抱歉。这是一人才做得来的工作。我已经把火候调成我心目中的样子了,而且我也调了特制的酱汁。

Yi-jun: Then I'll tell folks the food's ready. [yells] Come and get it! [to Rich] I've always wanted to say that! 那我要跟大家说食物好啰。(喊)来吃喔。(对李奇)我想说那句话已经很久了!