第 48 课: What is our time frame? 我们何时要完成?

Paul: Wei! This is a first-you didn't bargain! 小薇!这是头一遭——你没杀价!

Wei: Bargain? I'd feel way too guilty. 杀价?我会很有罪恶感的。

Paul: But you could have saved money. 可是你可以省钱。

Wei: From a sweet oma?! It's not worth it. Plus, I'd happily pay more for these things I bought! 跟一个和蔼可亲的阿嬷省什么钱?不值得。保罗,我甚至愿意付更多钱买这些东西!

Paul: F.Y.I., there is a flea market nearby, but maybe you're done... 让你知道一下,这附近还有一个跳蚤市场,不过也许你已经买完了……

Wei: Ha! I'm just warming up! Please take me there now! 哈哈!我才刚热身呢!请你现在带我去吧!

Jess: These three hours chatting with you have been very...interesting. Could you please tell us why we're here? 和你聊这三个小时还真……有意思啊。能否请教你,我们到此的目的到底是什么呢?

Bean: I want a new brand image. Something creative, something strong. Make no mistake, something with...resolve! 我想要一个新的品牌形象。来点有创意的、有力量的。不会让人搞混的,是……强而有力的!

Jess: What is our time frame? 我们何时要完成?

Bean: Let's meet on Friday to discuss your progress.[winks at Jess] Give me your e-mail address...umm, I mean addresses...[smiles at Ann and James] We'll be in touch. 我们就周五碰面讨论你们的进度吧。(对洁丝眨眼)给我你的电子邮件地址……嗯,我是说大家的邮件地址……(对小安和詹姆斯微笑)我们保持联络。

Ann: How can we develop a new brand image with no direction whatsoever? 我们要怎么在毫无头绪的情况下,发展一个新的品牌形象?

James: With the fifty forwards he sent out today, maybe we'll inadvertently get inspired. 从他今天转寄来的五十封信里,搞不好就会蹦出灵感了。

Ann: I guess this is a good excuse to surf the Net on someone else's dime. 我想这会是个用公司的钱上网溜跶的好借口吧。

James: Who'd have thought Bean would be this kind of e-mail fanatic? 谁会想到炳是这种电子邮件狂?

Ann: He must have just got online for the first time last week. He still thinks it's some kind of new toy. 他一定是上星期才第一次上网。还以为这是什么新玩具。