第 50 课: Those clothes do suit him better 这些衣服还真的比较适合他

Jess: Oh, no. It looks like my computer really has caught a virus. 糟了。看来我的计算机真的中毒了。

Ann: Why? Did you open an attachment? 怎么了?你有开附加档吗?

Jess: Yes, something called “George W. Bush.” An hour later, all I see are pictures of George W. Bush in women's clothes. 对,开了一个叫做 ‘小布什’的档案。一个小时后,屏幕上就只剩小布什穿女生衣服的图片了。

Ann: [Looks at Jess' monitor] I kind of like it. He looks better that way, doesn't he? More presidential. (看洁丝的屏幕)我还挺喜欢的。他这样子比较好看,不是吗?更有总统相。

Jess: I preferred the forward with pictures of him side-by-side with monkeys. 我比较喜欢那个他和猴子摆在一起的转寄图片。

Ann: Yeah, their expressions were exactly the same! 对,他们的表情一模一样!

Jess: But still, I didn't want this wallpaper. And every time I try to open a program, all I see is a cross-dressing Bush. 但话说回来,我不想要这种桌面啊。而且每次我想要开程序,就只看得到一个穿女装的布什。

Ann: I heard about that horrible virus! It automatically e-mails itself as an
attachment to everyone in your address book. 我有听过那可怕的病毒!它会把自己当附加档,自动转寄给你通讯簿里的每个人。

Jess: Well, it's already got on my computer. How do I get rid of it? 呃,它现在已经跑进我的计算机里了。我要怎么清掉?

Ann: Vote it out in the next election. 下次选举让它败选啰。

Jess: Hey, knock it off-this is serious! 嘿,别开玩笑了——这是认真的!

Ann: Have the IT department run a virus disinfection program. 请信息部门来扫毒。

Jess: Don't open any of my forwards! I got a virus! 别打开我转寄的信!我中毒了!

James: Don’t tell me you got the dreaded Bush virus. I've heard that that bug is threatening to infect the world. 别跟我说你中了可怕的布什病毒。我听说那个病毒正威胁要蔓延到全世界。

Jess: Yes, that's exactly the bug I got. Though, I do kind of like the pictures. 对,我就是中这个毒。不过,我倒还挺喜欢这些照片的。

James:[Takes a look] Those clothes do suit him better. (看一眼)这些衣服还真的比较适合他。

Jess: Wait a second-are these pictures copyrighted? 等等——这些照片有版权吗?

James: Probably not. It's off the Internet. What difference does it make? 也许没有。这是从网络上抓下来的。这有什么不同?