第 6 课: Where are all the guys going? 那些男生要去哪?

Yi-jun: You didn't tell me that would get violent. The bouquet came right to me. 你没告诉我那会很暴力。那捧花直冲着我来。

Holly: Yeah, until Cath's cousin tackled you, ha ha. Some people take it very
seriously. 对呀,直到卡西的表姊把你扑倒为止,哈哈。有些人可是相当认真的。

Yi-jun: I guess so. Where are all the guys going? 我猜也是。那些男生要去哪?

Holly: This is the wrap up of the reception. Rich takes off Cath's garter and throws it. 这是喜宴的尾声。李奇会脱掉卡西的吊袜带,然后丢出去。

Yi-jun: Same as with the bouquet? Are the guys as violent? 就跟捧花一样?那些男的会一样暴力吗?

Holly: [Laughing] Not! Watch. It'll almost be like they're running away from it if it comes to them. (笑)不会!看着吧。如果东西朝他们来,他们简直是躲的躲,逃的逃。

Whitney: Seth! Jen! Oh, my God! I've missed you guys so much! 赛斯!阿花!我的天啊!我好想你们喔!

Jennifer: Me, too. You came all the way from Kaohsiung. You must be pooped. 我也是。你还大老远从高雄跑来。你一定累坏了。

Whitney: Well, I am, but not only from the trip. You know I got married in March. 是啊,不过不只是因为这次出远门。你知道我三月时结婚了。

Jennifer: Yeah! You ran off to Hong Kong and got hitched! We were all so upset! 没错!你就这样跑去香港结婚了!我们都很生气!

Whitney: I know. I wish we could have done the wedding here, but Jim's family is all in Shanghai. 我知道。我希望我们可以在这举行婚礼,可是吉姆的家人都在上海。

Jennifer: Oh! You brought my favorite wine, so I'll forgive you... 喔!你带了我最喜欢的酒,那我就原谅你吧……