Ocean: Here, you should take some melatonin for your jet lag. 拿去,你们有时差,应该吃点退黑激素。
Kai: Thanks. We're really hungry. Could you take us out for a real American hamburger? 谢谢。我们觉得好饿。可以带我们去吃个道地的美式汉堡吗?
Ocean: Hey, I haven't eaten an animal since JFK died. Eating meat is murder, you know! 嘿,我上次吃肉是在肯尼迪总统过世那个时候。你可知道吃肉是在杀生!
Kai: Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. Maybe we could have something else? 抱歉,我无意冒犯。或许我们可以吃点别的?
Ocean: Sure. I'll take you out for an organic tofu-burger. Let's get you settled. We'll do some last-minute prep at the convention center tomorrow. 当然,我会带你们去吃有机的豆腐汉堡。先把你们安顿好。我们明天还要到会场做些最后的准备。
Ocean: As you can see, we're smack in between the vitamin wholesalers and the skin care people. 如你所见的,我们被夹在维他命批发商和卖护肤产品的人中间。
Tiff: Our diet stuff will definitely stand out from all that cosmetic junk. 我们的减重食品绝对比那堆垃圾化妆品出色多了。
Ocean: Let's not be so competitive-our neighbors are also doing their part to help the planet! 别这么好胜——我们的芳邻也在为帮助地球尽一份心力!
Tiff: I don't know much about the environmental stuff-I just want to do a good job! 我不是那么懂环保——我只想把工作做好!
Ocean: We should try to do good jobs as human beings, too. Remember, sister, we're all part of a global community! 把工作做好的同时,也要试着扮好人类的角色。记着,我的姊妹,我们都是地球村的一员!
Tiff: I think we should take turns on our first day. Two people man the booth while the third makes rounds on the floor. 我认为我们第一天应该轮班。两个人顾摊位的同时,第三个人到整个展场楼层逛几圈。
Ocean: Sure! That way we can all express our different creative sales styles. 好啊!那样一来我们都可以展现不同的销售创意。
Tiff: I know Kai wants to visit some of the skin care vendors for his sister. 我知道小凯想去帮他姐姐拜访几位护肤产品商。
Ocean: I wouldn't mind seeing the crystal healers myself. I can't wait till tomorrow, when the show opens and everything will be all set up. 如果情况允许,我想去看几位水晶治疗师。等明天商展一开幕,所有东西都会架设好,我真是等不及了。